Author name: Amritesh Jha Vasu

I am an upcoming FS consultant with an MBA in finance from XIMB. I believe financial literacy is the foremost knowledge where how your money is affected and how that may affect you is very important. I think knowledge such as this and even beyond the finance domain such as business, geopolitics, international trade, and economics could help an individual gain a much larger perspective, in turn bringing values to their life. I also believe while these ideas as easily understood by people from the domain of finance, they should be able to communicate in such a way that this may bring value to the life of an ordinary individual as well. I wish to achieve this aim through my content writing and ability to do public speaking.

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Environmental Impact of Bitcoin Mining

In an era where we need to be concerned about the environment and rising global temperature, a person does wonder about two things:
How much are energy are these mining activities utilizing?
Why do they need so much energy?

Impact on Indian Economy if crypto currency is legalized

Introduction Retail investors in India are adding fuel to the fire with their enthusiasm for crypto. The market is thriving as it has seen steady growth. Over 10 million crypto investors live in India, with the number increasing daily. Even though many Indians are enthusiastic about crypto currencies, one misperception is preventing millions from adopting …

Impact on Indian Economy if crypto currency is legalized Read More »

Decentralized Finance, the next frontier?

When the mania around Bitcoin started, we all assumed that Decentralized Transaction was all it was ever going to be. Ethereum Network comes online we see blockchain can keep ledgers of transactions and digital assets ownership, and then DAI comes online making Decentralized Loans a reality.

Understanding Ethereum

We have all heard of Bitcoin and, to an extent, have also been able to understand what it is? But as Bitcoin gathers all the limelight, the second-largest cryptocurrency platform Ethereum remains relatively unknown. What exactly is Ethereum?

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) Explained!

The recent sale of digital art and NBA dunk shots NFTs for hundreds of dollars have raised many questions in the mind of the general populus. What exactly is an NFT? Is there money to be made as an investment? Or What is the actual world usage of this said technology?