Author name: Aditya Kanal

I am an inquisitive finance aspirant with keen interest in business, analytics, finance, etc. An avid reader who likes reading about investing, start ups, strategic management and analysis.

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Robotics + Finance, the future?

Robo Advisors use detailed algorithms in order to create the best investment option by equally analysing the risk-reward ratio. These algorithms come up with the best investment plan and manage it too in the best possible manner, along with the rebalancing of your investments, so that no matter how volatile the markets get, the robo advisors will save you from a loss!

How smart are Smart Contracts?

Smart contracts are blockchain program that is held in high regard within the community. From government voting systems to supply chain management, these programs aim to automate and disrupt many industries.

Hedge Fund Strategies

A hedge fund in simple words is a pool of investments that trades in such a manner, that all the strategies which are being used are complex in nature. Hedge funds have the liberty to use risky strategies unlike mutual funds, which are more regulated by the government authorities. Hence, due to this reason, the riskiness aspect holds a lot of importance in every scenario.