Rise Of Coding Jobs In India

Rise Of Coding Jobs In India

Back in A.D.s, People who left their family, food, sleep, and other all luxuries in life were called Saints and now are known as PROGRAMMERS.

The human species are the best-unskilled programmers. Our dreams of achieving goals in life are back-tested by immeasurable trials and crucial value inputs like TIME, OPPORTUNITIES, and of course INTELLIGENCE. We learn how to program our lives to fulfil our own desires by rigorously striving for success. Thus, the same way COMPUTERS work under the instructions of PROGRAMMING and to run it one must learn and understand its language – CODING.

Programming is simplest to use yet difficult to learn and comprehend.

Do you know the blogs we read, the games we play for hours, the messages/emails we send virtually, pictures captured are saved automatically in our phone memory, memories that are shared/expressed anytime anywhere on various platforms, online shopping sites, etc. are all PROGRAMME APPLICATIONS? Yes, WhatsApp messenger, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, PUBG, Amazon, etc. are all MOBILE APPLICATIONS. But, what we enjoy, see or open in an application are the outcomes of thousand CODING INPUTS created by skilled PROGRAMMERS.

Wait a minute, what? Coding? Programmers?

So, was it a Programmer I was texting/playing with all the time? The answer is NO. You absolutely are sane and texted the right person but thanks to the CODING LANGUAGE that is pre-inserted in an APPLICATION helped you virtually deliver the message.

THEN, who writes the CODE? And how does he work?

A programmer is a creator of an application. He is required to be cent percent skilled in his job. He restores information from a DATABASE and establishes a pathway between front end and back end desks through CODING. Practicing coding is very similar to the growth of a Chinese Bamboo tree – it takes years to build its roots and then grows 90 ft tall in 5 weeks. Thus, it requires dedication, patience, practice, and is time- consuming. Therefore, the PayScale of these jobs in the commercial world is quite high. Programmers are qualified engineers or mastered computer applicators.

Source: Datanami.com

We all are well aware of the Tech startup companies’ (EdTech, FinTech, BankTech, etc.) numbers that are not falling short in India especially after Demonetisation. Their cogitation lacked growth in the past due to the absence of Capital Funding.

Source: Nasscom.in

Ease up of loan requirements, infuse of FII funding, and lower fixed costs have led their businesses to expand at a larger level. Artificial intelligence and data help their enterprises in better risk assessment, protect against any counterfeit products, custom pricing, and many more. But, it requires Human intelligence to stimulate smooth performance. Therefore, expect the presence of a programmer!

The following recent news and events intrigued the minds of VETERANS of rising IT sector jobs in India:

Paytm, a Noida based Fintech company with a recruited staff of 5000 Indian employees announced recruiting more than 500 programmers, for multiple roles require for its financial services.

The recent news of parent head company of Byju’s – The Learning App acquired WhiteHat jr., an EdTech Mumbai based startup owned by Karan Bajaj at $300 million inquisiting people involved in the growing space of incubators, mergers, and acquisitions in India. WhiteHat jr. teach students live on how to build games, animations, and apps. It teaches students the fundamentals of Coding .i.e. JavaScript, a widely used Programme Language in the world. Byju’s immediately after acquiring WhiteHat announced the availability of more than 10000+ jobs by end of the year.

Moreover, The Education Ministry of India also took an initiative by announcing that coding will be taught from class 6 onwards. This would also create job opportunities for Tutors at small- scale platforms.

Python, a high-level integrated coding language has gained its importance in financial markets by Algo-traders, Financial brokers, and active investors due to its rapid quantitative problem solving and low maintenance. It also helps in speculating losses without managing a memory. Python is rather a difficult language to learn. It demands good Math and expertise in Software Development. Fund managers are always in search of candidates who are mainly “software developers” because they can fairly assess the percentage of margin requirement at different levels which indirectly help in speculating losses. The software developers are lucratively paid in this field.

Not to forget, the demand for Blockchain development. The blockchain is structured and tangled in such a way that meddling or encrypting the data is next to impossible! C++ is very popular in Blockchain technology because of its multiple capabilities like primitive control over memory, function overloading, runtime polymorphism, etc. This Coding Language introduces transparency for a Programmer. C++ has gained its popularity mainly in the Banking and Insurance sector and also in the Cryptocurrency market.

Source: Comptia.org

Lastly, how could we ignore the effect of Pandemic on India’s GDP?. As, per the report from TRADINGECONOMICS, India’s GDP shrank 23.9% Y-O-Y in the second quarter. People are slowly adapting to the #Newnormal and finding ways to reactivate their businesses digitally.

Source: Nasscom.in

The 2 months of lockdown has shown usage of digitalization much more  than in the past 2 years. As per the report of Nasscom, it forecasts that AI and Data will contribute $400-500 Bn to GDP by 2025. The incubators can help these two centrepieces: AI and Data to expand and may escalate ‘India’s Inclusive Development’ vision.

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